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Nov 10



Nov 8

(Vancouver Contact Improv Festival)



Oct 3, 10, 17

Sept 15

Aug 4

July 14 & 22

June 21

Dig if you will--

this Saturday night on capitol hill--

a chance to be free

immersed in connectivity. 

More fun than playing frisbee with a leg of rotting ham,

you can explore full human improv at the Inclusion Jam! From 7 pm until 30 after 9,

at Studio Current, slow or hurried, cold or nerdy.

warm.  sublime...

Noam's the one to kindly let know

if you think you might just slink

your way into this rolling flow.


  • before the event, the organizer creates a forum for all attending to expressing their access needs in advance

  • for about the first half hour, we allow each other to arrive, physically energetically socially etc.

  • we then have a group conversation where everyone is able to express their needs and desires for the time we have together.  The focus of the conversation will be to articulate what will help each of us there feel most included.  What will allow those of us present to include more of our internal biodiversity into our 2 hour ecosystem?  How can we create a space where we all feel safe enough to allow our individual emotional universes to unfold and express themselves in a satisfying way?

  • we tell each other what we’ve heard each other say, until we’re all clear that we really understand what everyone thinks they want and need

  • we put up a sign saying “If you’re arriving late, please quietly check in with someone already here, so they can tell you important things about where everyone is at.”

  • we begin improvising with movement sound stillness witnessing and/or words

  • at any point, anyone present can express their changing self-inclusion needs, verbally or nonverbally.  (e.g. someone could say “I would really like to be watched until I fall down.” or “Could we be really quiet for a few minutes, and then explode in a symphony of animal noises?”)  These expressions are both continuations of the opening conversation AND art-emanations from the heart of the improvisation itself.

  • after about 1.75 hours, someone will call “Final resolution.”

  • in the following few minutes, all gradually come to stillness

  • we have about 10 minutes of personal reflection, harvest time (a good time for writing, drawing, etc.)

  • we have a closing conversation to reflect as a group about our experience

 April 7



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